Sunday, 3 May 2009

Final Designs

This here pictured on the left is my final front cover design all in all i think that it is pretty successful. i like the way that i have positioned the text and image with the image being the centre piece for the receptors eyes to focus on obviously following the title. i think that after all the research i have carried out that it is more succesful and works well for the magazine if you have a good eye catching title and one big main central image that the receptors eye will automatically focus on. overall i feel that the colour scheme that was chosen as a group decision works well, and as i stated previously in my title research, the bright striking green around the black title writing really brings the title to life and futhermore lifts it right off of the page. i decided to stick to this colour scheme throughout the whole front cover producing process as i thought it would work better than if i was to go off the rails colour wise and start using all sorts of different colours, i think magazines can look slightly tacky when not obiding to the same colour scheme throughout the magazine. i used "Q" magazine as my style model and based my whole design around that with the big bold title in the top left corner of the page then following straight from the edge of the title a big central image i done this because as with "Q" magazine the receptors eye flows right from the title onto the image and then onto one of the main attracting stories within the magazine, the only thing that i went against the conventions of "Q" magazine was by putting stories surounding the whole central image. the central image fits well with the text surounding it and doesnt overlap any of it which is always a bonus,i went against the usual conventions by rotating the image slightly, i think this gives it a good effect and is different to what you would usually find, another reason for doing so is to jazz up the front cover a little bit and make it look a bit wilder than usual magazines i was trying to get the message accross that this is no ordinary boring magazine. i created this front cover using the programme "pages" on the apple mac monitors.

This pictured is my final contents page that i produced. one of the first things that you may notice with this is that the first bit of text is written in green as apposed to white this is because in "Q" magazine my style model in the contents page the main story was written in a more bold font and just generally larger so that it stands out, this was really what i wanted to achieve as a whole but i didnt want to exactly copy "Q" magazine so i did it in a slightly different way and this was just by simply making the text a different colour as apposed to all the rest of the text. i also decided to make a bit of a habbit of going against the usual conventions on this contents page i done this by placing the page numbers on top of the text explaining what is on the page rather than underneath and after. i stated that i used "Q" magazine as my style model and i did with this contents page, i seen that in "Q" magazine the contents page was only really text and was just really simple as a whole, i decided to keep this the same with my contents page, i really think that i have justified this and i didnt want to bundle the heads of the receptors with irrelevant information that need not to be placed on the page. i have only placed information that is needed on this page. i decided to rotate the "contents" text to also go against the usual conventions. i also created this contents page of mine through the programme called "pages" on the apple mac monitors.

This is my two page spread from my strings issue that i also created on the programme named "pages" on the apple mac monitors. again with this two page spread on the world tour of the band random gender i decidedto also stick with the same colour scheme all the way throughout i thought that a good effective eye catching double page spread would be produced if i used a sort of alternating colour scheme on these pages however still only usiong the three main colours of bright green, bright pink and black. again as with the contents page that i produced i decided to keep it simple again basing it on my style model of "Q" magazine i didnt want to boggle the readers head with information that is completely irrelavent and not needed, i think i have justified the simpleness of this page spread aswell as with the contents page.

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